1.英语短文 上周是端午节 天气很好 你和几个同学去碧湖公园玩 那里有许多人 他


英语短文 上周是端午节 天气很好 你和几个同学去碧湖公园玩 那里有许多人 他


It was Sunday.The sun shone brightly.My classmates and me went to the park for a picnic.We went there by bus.We song happily on the bus.

We got there at 10.am.We played hide-and-seek in the park that day.We ate many delicious food.Such as roast chickens,big pumpkins and watermelons.At last,we went home in the afternoon.We had a good time together that day.(73个词)


Last Sunday, I took my family to the park for some fun. The weather was great and we all enjoyed ourselves tremendously. We played frisbee, had a picnic, and even did some birdwatching. It was nice to spend quality time with my family and enjoy the beautiful outdoors. We plan to make this a regular family activity.
